

  • Zenkutsu-dachi: leaning forward stance
  • Kokutsu-dachi: back stance
  • Kiba-dachi: horse riding stance


  • Gendan barai: low block
  • Uchi uki: middle block moving to the outside
  • Soto uki: middle block moving to the inside
  • Age uki: rising block
  • Shuto uki: knife hand block


  • Oi tsuki: punch with the leg and arm on the same side foreard
  • Gyaku tsuki: punch with the leg and arm from opposite sides forward
  • Uraken: back of fist strike
  • Nukite: spear hand
  • Empi: elbow


  • Mai geri: front kick
  • Yoko geri: side kick
  • Mawashi geri: round kick
  • Ushiro geri: back kick
  • Keage: snapping
  • Kekomi: thrust

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